Refund Policy

Refund Policy

  • Refund requests must be approved by AspireRN Administrators and communicated via email, providing a valid and verified reason for the refund request.
  • To be eligible for FULL REFUND, refund request must be submitted via email within 7 days after the course payment and not satisfied with the review.
  • HALF REFUND, is given if the refund request is submitted via email within 7-14 days after the course payment and not satisfied with the review.
  • NO REFUND POLICY will be enforced if access to the course extends beyond 14 days. However, AspireRN Administrators reserve the right to approve or deny refund requests beyond the 14-day access period based on the severity of the reason provided.
  • FULL REFUND for DrNursePaul 100% PASS Guarantee is only applicable upon completion of the entire review course provided by AspireRN and receiving a recommendation to take the NCLEX exam but failing the exam.
  • If an enrollee to AspireRN fails the NCLEX exam, he/she may re-enroll and continue with the review program (subject to AspireRN’s approval).
  • If an enrollee to AspireRN, do not complete the full review course, have not received a recommendation to take the NCLEX exam, yet still proceed to take the exam and fail, a NO REFUND POLICY will be applied.
  • For agency scholars, please follow the stipulations based on your agreement forms for payment and refund policy.